Sono un francescano del Terzo Ordine Regolare - TOR - sono nato il 20 luglio del 1973 e mi occupo di etica, bioetica ed etica delle tecnologie. In particolare i miei studi si focalizzano sulla gestione dell'innovazione: internet e l'impatto del Digital Age, le biotecnologie per il miglioramento umano e la biosicurezza, le neuroscienze e le neurotecnologie.
Cerco di mettere a fuoco il significato etico e antropologico della tecnologia per l'Homo sapiens: siamo una specie che da 70.000 anni abita il mondo trasformandolo, la condizione umana è una condizione tecno-umana...
For info: info@paolobenanti.com
In evidenza
TEDxRoma 2018
Per guidare l’innovazione verso un autentico sviluppo umano che non danneggi le persone e non crei forti disequilibri globali, è importante affiancare l’etica alla tecnologia. Rendere questo valore morale qualcosa di comprensibile da una macchina, comporta la creazione di un linguaggio universale che ponga al centro l’uomo: un algor-etica che ricordi costantemente che la macchina è al servizio dell’uomo e non viceversa.
​To drive innovation towards authentic human development that does not harm people and does not create strong global imbalances, it is important to combine ethics with technology. Making this moral value something understandable for a machine, involves the creation of a universal language that puts man at the center: an algor-ethics that constantly reminds us that the machine is at the service of man and not the opposite.
Microsoft #TechTalk - Ai and Humanity
This #TechTalk features Father Paolo Benanti, a Professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, specialized in robotics, digital ethics and their implications for human values. He argues that it is more important than ever for AI proponents to put humans – not machines – first.
Throughout human history, man’s interaction with artefacts – in other words, technology – has been one of the defining characteristics setting us apart from other species. But according to one of Italy’s leading experts on the ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the growing importance and pervasiveness of AI raises fresh questions about this relationship.
In our #TechTalk, Father Benanti argues that, while man has always lived in a “techno-human condition” where human beings and machines work together, it is more important than ever for AI proponents to put humans – not machines – first. The challenge is to ensure that human-machine-relationships are framed in a way that benefits people.
Read more on the Microsoft EU Policy Blog
TEDxVicenzaSalon 2022
La cultura pop è il luogo dove si forgiano le speranze e i desideri dei nostri contemporanei. Ascoltare i timori e i sogni nelle narrazioni che oggi ci toccano il cuore significa cercare di decodificare i miti nei quali avvolgiamo i desideri profondi che ci animano. Ascoltare vuole farci passare da un implicito vissuto ad un esplicito conosciuto
Pop culture is the place where the hopes and desires of our contemporaries are forged. Listening to the fears and dreams in the narratives that touch our hearts today means trying to decode the myths in which we wrap the deep desires that animate us. Listening wants to make us move from an implicit lived to an explicit known.
Meeting. Nessun futuro alla “Terminator”, la nostra finitudine dà senso al qui e ora. Incontro a Rimini con Benasayag e Benanti sulla "macchinizzazione dell'uomo" e "l'umanizzazione della macchina". Coscienza e limite sono i nostri alleati. Scrive Olivier Rey che non bisogna avere paura del transumanesimo, che è una cosa che si accartoccerà su se stessa, ma al Meeting di Rimini non ne sono davvero convinti e perciò hanno voluto un incontro intitolato “La macchinizzazione dell’uomo e l’umanizzazione della macchina”. A dare spiegazioni sono stati chiamati un vecchio leone come Miguel Benasayag, filosofo e psicanalista franco-argentino, e un giovane leone come Paolo Benanti, francescano del Terz’Ordine e docente di Bioetica ed etica delle tecnologie alla Pontificia Università Gregoriana. Bisogna scegliere tra ibridazione e colonizzazione.
G20 Indonesia 2022 Religion forum (R20)
Let’s try to ask ourselves: Do we really want machines to threaten our dignity, our right to live as free and conscious individuals, and the legitimate privacy of our personal lives? Do we really want all of us to be profiled unknowingly, and do we welcome the advent of a world in which algorithms make decisions based on ethnicity, gender and age? Is there really no other solution than entrusting artificial intelligence with decisions on job offers, loans or criminal proceedings? Do we really want to unconditionally trust a mechanism that can create “deepfakes,” which are false but extremely realistic images, video and audio files that can swindle, ruin reputations or undermine trust in democratic decision-making processes? Should we allow new technologies to threaten freedom of association or speech, as we look upon these developments with indifference?
Summing it all up in a single question: do we really want AI to undermine the foundations of peace and human dignity?
Wouldn’t it be better to opt for an artificial intelligence that proves useful in managing complexity to everyone’s benefit; that helps optimize resource management; that yields precious benefits in the fields of medicine and healthcare, and in the performance of tasks that are too difficult or dangerous for human beings to undertake?
Homo Faber. The Techno-Human condition
In Homo Faber Paolo Benanti seeks to provide a philosophical and theological understanding of the technological phenomenon by casting light contemporaneously on the ethical dimensions connected to it. In constructing a holistic vision of technique-technology, he asks himself how to look at the technological artifacts, how it was possible that the West has undergone an incomparable technological development in respect to any other human culture and what this reveals and means for technology and what is the context in which technology is implemented and understood today. As a result of his journey Benanti shows how Technology is not a simple human activity, but human nature is a techno-human condition.
Read it on ebook